Overall Objectives

Overall Objectives

Section: New Results

Efficient bubble and/or cycle enumeration in directed/undirected graphs

Polymorphisms in DNA- or RNA-seq data lead to recognisable patterns in a de Bruijn graph representation of the reads obtained by sequencing. Such patterns have been called mouths, or bubbles in the literature. They correspond to two vertex-disjoint directed paths between a source s and a target t. Due to the high number of such bubbles that may be present in real data, their enumeration is a major issue concerning the efficiency of dedicated algorithms. We developed the first linear delay algorithm to enumerate all bubbles with a given source [31] .

By combining the insights from the most efficient but not optimal solution presented by Johnson [SIAM J. Computing, 1975] for simple cycle enumeration in undirected graphs and an amortisation technique previously established by our collaborators Roberto Grossi and Rui Ferreira [ESA, 2011] from the University of Pisa, Italy, we obtained the first optimal solution to list all the simple cycles in an undirected graph G (paper accepted at SODA 2013, to appear). Moreover, we also obtained the first optimal solution to list all the simple paths from s to t in an undirected graph G. This work benefited also from discussions and work from Pierluigi Crescenzi and Marie-France Sagot. The method is not naturally extendable to directed graphs, and the challenge is now to obtain optimal solutions in this case also.